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Helping schools build robust student sections.

We break down student sections to basic principles and train you how to implement them for success.

Get proven processes, gain key insights, join a community and unleash the power of your students.

Biggest Fan Consulting takes your passion, vision and ideas and transforms them into organized chaos. Learn and implement our systematic approach so you can multiply your school's Biggest Fan.

We help traditional student sections

Traditional student sections represent the majority of schools. Students are disinterested and disengaged at sporting events. Marketing teams rely on free pizza, free giveaways and email blasts and are frustrated with the lack of results. Athletic administrators are wearing multiple hats and don't have the bandwidth to focus on the student section. Boosters and season ticket holders complain about the lack of student involvement. Students lack support and direction and there is no real student leadership structure. Team record, weather and opponent dictate the energy of the students. This defeating cycle leads to a culture of frustration and apathy.

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Become new-age student sections
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New-age student sections are rare and represent a few schools across the country. They create an environment where students are passionate and boosters are happy. Campus culture is full of pride, spirit and tradition. They create an impact on the game and are responsible for a couple wins a year. Structured with dynamic leadership and sustainable systems, they continue to innovate year after year. Students dictate the energy of the game regardless of team record, opponent or time of year. On top of predictable and reliable attendance and engagement, they increase Recruiting, Retention, Recognition and Revenue.

Here's how it works

Biggest Fan Consulting provides you with everything you need to build, grow and sustain a successful new-age student section.


Onsite analysis and custom feedback for your current culture and student section. 


Learn and implement proven strategies through training videos, resources and action items.


Join a network of staff and students to ask questions and share success stories.


Address specific challenges and ask any question on personalized Q&A calls.

Culture transformation


Most schools want a quick fix and focus on things like promotions or giveaways, which end up being bandaids on deeper issues. There is no magic pill to change culture overnight. To transform culture and build a successful new-age student section you need to learn and implement all eight key elements that are all connected and build upon each other over time.

Student section Fundamentals

Discover how the program works, what it takes to succeed, review student section fundamentals, discover why your student section matters.



Implement proven strategies to identify, onboard and train top 1% student leaders. Learn what it takes to be an effective student section leader.



Learn how to change culture on campus. Review your student section goals, values and practices. Create traditions that will last.

Branding &


Execute strategic marketing techniques that evoke students to action. Develop brand affinity among students. Start a movement.



Create an experience students don't want to miss. Learn how to optimize your game ops and "in-game" strategies to maximize impact.



Develop new ways to monetize your student section platform. Increase retention, drive revenue, invest in the student experience.

Systems, data &


Avoid losing momentum in the future by implementing internal systems for smooth succession planning. Introduce data and technology for optimization.



Achieve high level mindset training to ensure success. Deeply understand feedback loops and the science behind student sections.

our Training Programs

We believe results are a product of changed culture, which comes from consistent process and momentum executed by top 1% student leadership over time. Take your student section to the next level and achieve student section mastery no matter the size or stage of your student section. 

Accelerator + Live Mastermind

Take your student section to the next level with onsite visits for game analysis, stakeholder meetings and leadership training. 

Best fit: Established collegiate student sections.

Biggest Fan

Build, grow and sustain your student section from start to finish whether you are starting from scratch or an established premier section.


Achieve student section mastery.

Best fit: NCAA D1, D2, D3, NAIA, Canadian universities

MOst Popular
Biggest Fan

Our high school student section training for student leaders and staff administrators to boost engagement and sportsmanship.

Best fit: High schools

College partners

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High School Partners

Creighton Prep

High School (NE)

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Minneapolis North

High School (MN)

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Edison High School (MN)

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Norwich Free Academy (CT)

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Tuscarora High School (MD)

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St. Joseph High School (CA)


High School (IL)

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Lockport Township High School (IL)

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Governor's School for Science & Mathematics (SC)

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Central High School (CO)

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MacArthur High School (TX)

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Avon High School (IN)

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Fruita Monument

High School (CO)

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Mesquite High School (AZ)

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Annville-Cleona High School (PA)

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Southwest Christian High School (MN)

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Irving High School (TX)

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Forest Hills High School (NC)


Dakota Ridge

High School (CO)

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Queen Creek High School (AZ)

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Charles City High School (IA)

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Dakota Valley High School (SD)

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Nimitz High School (TX)

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New Albany

High School (OH)

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Imlay City High School (MI)

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Westhill High School (CT)

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Lynbrook High School (CA)

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Kalamazoo Loy Norrix High School (MI)

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Westmont High School (CA)

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Cole Valley Christian School (ID)

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Huntington North High School (IN)

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West Delaware High School (IA)

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Elk Grove High School (CA)

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Midland High School (MI)


"Biggest Fan provides a scientific approach to building an authentic atmosphere that is easy enough to comprehend for any student or administrator. Step-by-step trainings through the Accelerator are paired with unparelled service support.  Biggest Fan continues to innovate in a space that is desperately needed but is often overlooked."


Alex Krebs

Oregon State University, Assistant Director, Marketing & Fan Engagement

REady to get started?

Talk with one of our student section experts today!

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